Sunday, December 18, 2011

Text Message Breakups

Blast from the past this morning.  Remember the Kelly Shoes video circa 2006 or so? I know you all quoted it like it was your job, present company guilty. How could I have forgotten that? After rewatching it though... we actually thought that was funny? I remember it being much much funnier.

Then I thought, oh! The Cunningham Muffins video was so much funnier. Nope. Still f-ing weird but it's the best of the bunch.

Anyway, the only reason the Kelly videos came up was over a discussion about test message breakups, which even though I'm 2+ years out of that relationship, the only part I'm not over and still a little bitter about is in fact the text message breakup. No matter what, it always goes back to the text message breakup. After everything, he could sum up our entire relationship and how he felt about me in 160 characters or less. Now that's just plain mean. Here's my version in 35 characters: You're still a douche, deck hole :)

Btw, the text message break is up video is REALLY f-ing weird and it goes on forever. Of course, I've just discovered that the father of all these videos, Liam Kyle Sullivan (who looks like a ginger Jimmy Fallon), has made much much more since then. Maybe a Kelly video exists now that is legit funny?

Now that Kelly is on my mind- interestingly enough, my parents wireless router name is Betches. And the words "betch," "deck," and "beg" still resurface regularly in my sisters' vernacular, so clearly something stuck. Lol

And remember kids, "sex is for... married people" ;)


  1. I think break-up by text message is the updated version of when Carrie Bradshaw was pissed her boyfriend broke up with her on a sticky note!

    And yes, it's sorta embarrassing to tell visitors that our network is Betches, lol.
